Your preferred shipping & logistic Company

Claims Policy

At PurpleDOT Enterprises Ltd, we are committed to providing reliable and efficient shipping services. We understand that sometimes unexpected incidents may occur during the transportation of your goods. This claims policy outlines our procedures for handling claims related to lost or damaged shipments and provides guidelines for submitting claims. 

  1. Eligibility for Filing a Claim

Customers are eligible to file a claim with PurpleDOT Enterprises Ltd if they meet the following criteria: 

The shipment was tendered to us for transportation. 

Your package was acknowledged and accepted by our warehouse. 

Your packages were correctly addressed to included full US mailing address, company name in address line two and customer account number. 

The loss or damage occurred while the shipment was in the confirmed possession of PurpleDOT Enterprises Ltd and not due to any act or omission by the shipper or consignee. 

We will not be responsible for reimbursement partially or Full at our discretion if there are shipment delays, damage due to poor packaging ex/ lack of proper packaging, loss of packages by carrier and not confirmed to have been received by our warehouse, customs inspections, customs hold, changes to shipping order by customer or circumstances deemed outside of our control. 

  1. Filing a Claim

To file a claim, customers must adhere to the following steps:

Notify PurpleDOT Enterprises Ltd of the loss or damage within 3 days of the shipment’s delivery date/ pickup date. Notification can be made via email to and must be accompanied by supporting evidence such as receipts, clear and legible pictures of contents, packaging and any other relevant supporting documents.

3. Evaluation of Claims

PurpleDOT Enterprises Ltd will promptly investigate all filed claims and review the provided documentation and may conduct an inspection if necessary. The evaluation process includes: 

 Determining the extent of liability based on the terms and conditions as well as claims policy. 

Verifying the value of the lost or damaged goods. 

Assessing whether the loss or damage occurred while the shipment was under our custody. 

  1. Claim Resolution

Upon completing the evaluation, PurpleDOT Enterprises Ltd will inform the customer of the claim resolution within 7 business days of receiving the emailed report. The possible resolutions may include:  

Payment (partial or full) for the proven value of the lost or damaged goods. 

Repair or replacement of damaged items. 

Reimbursement of reasonable repair costs. 

No reimbursement  

  1. Appeals

If the customer is dissatisfied with the claim resolution, they have the right to appeal the decision. Appeals must be made in writing within 3 business days of receiving the resolution. 


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